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The Unindicted Co-Conspirators


Making sense of it March 31, 2020 (Updated Aug 19/2020)

Again, advertent or inadvertent.                                              Strategy or simple greed & ignorance?

Important to find out … but for now it’s beside the point.

Every Politician in 2020 in a Liberal democracy is under siege. This is the Ideal Vehicle to get the governance back, re-election. Works perfectly well for autocrats as well (see also Philippines and U.S.).

Imperial College of London strongly influenced US and UK decision-making

Either they’re leading their nation OR saving the day.                    It’s a no-lose situation – Promote Maximum Pandemic.

Every Virologist & Scientist’s budget is under siege. Money goes to housing, social services, education – anything before research. Hence the ‘computer model’ emphasizing the worst case scenario.

Either they’re warning their nation OR saving the day. It’s a no-lose situation – Promote Maximum Pandemic.

Every Hospital’s budget is under siege. (see above – PMP)

Every Media, of every stripe, is experiencing a bonanza of coverage. They will keep their foot on the accelerator.

Either they’re warning their nation OR saving the day!

It’s a no-lose situation – Promote Maximum Pandemic.

PHARMA – the biggest beneficiary of all. A dream come true. Next comes a whole new world where people must SHOW they have been vaccinated just to circulate in their neighborhood or travel anywhere.

The COVID-19 is believed to originate it Bats.

The corona virus came from a bat. Was it by design or was it just accidental? Matters not.

The U.S spent 120 billion dollars on biowarfare since 2000 and likely far more before. All information in the public domain. It started with Ronald Reagan’s Administration. bit.ly/BioweaponsBackgounder

 Cdn Flag less pixels Canadian Content or Conduit?

The U.S. shares ‘bio-weapons’ with Canada’s National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg (also a BS Level 4). 

Two Chinese research scientists and their team were marched out by the RCMP, ostensibly for “Administrative reasons”. https://bit.ly/WinnipegLabLeak  As Mike Meyers may say, ‘Shyeah, right’. [ 2 yrs earlies Ebola and Hantavirus where taken from Winnipeg to Wuhan]

Did they take a corona virus with them? Don’t know for sure.  Don’t really care.

The COVID-19 virus starts in a bat, as we know. Bats have hundreds of strains of viruses in them and we have no idea how many are deadly or how many make it to humans (advertently or inadvertently).

German pulmonologist Dr. Wolfgang Wodard says COVID-19 has been here and is perhaps 10-14% of all viruses going back years.  We just never had the precise test for it. bit.ly/WolfgangWodard

As mentioned, the The Wuhan Institute of Virology with
China’s first (BSL–4) laboratory is 15 minutes awa
y from the Wuhan Seafood Market (where all agree it started).

Courtesy Daily Mail, UK

True enough. But here’s the thing – Chinese researchers have gone to prison for selling research animals (’cause they make no money really).

Again, simple greed and ignorance.
The greed part is that. The ignorance part is they maybe just have wandered out of the lab without proper oversight or precautions.                                                                                                   Any indication of that?
As close as you can get and it comes
directly from a Wuhan Lab researcher. I was searching PubMed for any Wuhan Lab work
to learn what they were researching. Never finished
because this paper stopped me dead in my tracks –

By a Wuhan researcher published on September 11, 2019.
“Current status and future challenges of high-level
biosafety laboratories in China”

One can assume this researcher was simply trying to get resources to increase Security. One can assume he may go missing. nyti.ms/ChinaMissing

OK. The real questions: How bad is it? Why is it different? How long will it last? Do the antimalarials work? Why are young people impacted?

It’s bad because it kills people, mostly old people. (Hey, wait a minute, ‘I resemble that remark!)

Again, half this group has 3 or 4 other illnesses. They aren’t “underlying” illnesses. Those who died may have tested positive for COVID-19 but their cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc killed them.

46% of deaths had co-morbidity.

46% of deaths had co-morbidity.  bit.ly/CVID19AgeSex

It’s called lying with statistics. (advertently or inadvertently).

Critical UpdateEuromomo data caught up. It records RAW data i.e. how many people died of all causes. Epidemiologits will tell you this is how you know who’s telling the truth. 

UK euromomo

Each country has different methods to categorize ’cause of death’. In a global pandemic it all goes into One Pot – COVID-19. Real numbers are filtered/categorized by political objectives. Even in healthcare settings. So about face – in Spain, UK, Belgium and a few countries the Increased deaths up to 40% higher in week going back 5 years.

Spain euromomo

The way to cut through data manipulation is to look at the raw data. How many people actually died and are now dying from all causes in Italy, Germany, Spain, France and Europe?


The World Health Organization said 650,000 died of the flu worldwide in 201-2018. So 2020 is as bad as a very bad flu season.

No, you see the WHO and CDC have a long and illustrious history of LYING about flu deaths. You know those computer models and algorithms that have been getting us in trouble? They were set on full B.S. mode ‘for the greater good‘. Pushing people to get the Flu Shot, what the harm in that? Lots but we’ll get t that later. That’s why ‘the experts” are in such a pickle.  

Why does it look so much worse? We are looking at it under a microscope, with a virologist’s computer model focused on ‘Worst Case’ amplified by all the global players.

It seems to hit people in a shorter period. German video of empty hospitals. + Etc. bit.ly/GermanHospitalMarch28

Why is it different?

It’s hitting younger, healthy people too.

Courtesy The Religious Studies Project (this is what ‘young people’ look like)

Unindicted Co-Conspirators

1) The Flu Shot

2) Electromagnetic fields (EMF)

I remember the Health Minister in the UK saying – besides underlying medical conditions that having a Flu Shot was a risk factor.

Hmm, I though that’s weird. Not the fact of it.. but the fact they’d state it clearly.  And the UK through the media lenses has looked a bit silly or back on their heels in their COVID-19 response. 

Neil Ferguson, Imperial College London

However, the report that changed strategy for the UK and the U.S. came from Dr. Neil Ferguson’s team at the Imperial College in London. The computer model – based on past information – predicted up to 500,000 deaths in UK.

On March 26th Ferguson said – “UK deaths from the disease are now unlikely to exceed 20,000 and could be much lower”. [UK’s worst season approx. 28,000 dead]

Epidemics are also better seen in a rear view mirror. And all pandemic virologists have been waiting for ‘the Big One’ so their top computer simulations adopted the close-up hospital chaos.

Back to the Flu Vaccine as Risk Factor. The U.S. Armed Services research is agnostic. They looked at the Healthiest segment of the population and found they were 36% MORE likely to get a corona virus if they’d had the flu shot. (This was a Quadrivalent -4 virus – flu shot)

Examining non-influenza viruses specifically, the odds of both coronavirus and human metapneumovirus in vaccinated individuals were significantly higher when compared to unvaccinated individuals (OR = 1.36 and 1.51, respectively) bit.ly/Corona36PercentIncrease

One study in children found a relative risk 440% increase in “noninfluenza respiratory viruses”.Coincidentally, this is what COVID-19 is.  https://bit.ly/440PercentIncreaseCoronaV

The Quadrivalent flu shot with 4 strains of flu causes a ‘cytokine storm’ suppressing the immune system bit.ly/CytokineStorm

Another mechanism is described as “viral interference”. 

Can someone PLEASE provide a translation of this?

The point being BOTH of these mechanisms are at work. They open the door for COVID-19. Having the Flu Shot increases your risk of getting COVID-19 and H1N1 too. http://bit.ly/FluShot2xH1N1

Young People and People living in higher density multiple unit retirement homes and/or those in hospital are subject to this Hidden Stressor of EMF.

Electromagnetic fields – EMF. Young people are exposed to EMF by being constantly connected by phone, Wi-Fi and gaming way more than average.

Wuhan has 10,000 5G antennas more than the entire United States. They quickly put them up on hospitals to.. ya know, help! (hospitals have notoriously high EMF). http://bit.ly/Corona5G

 Huawei will ship a total of 600,000 base stations in China this year,

The mechanism of action for Viruses is Calcium bit.ly/CoronaMechanism

The mechanism of action for EMF is Calcium bit.ly/EMFcalciumMechanism

Oh yeah, and EMF causes Cytokines as well. bit.ly/EMFcytokines

For interest sake, no country will come close to China in a lockdown. If this is what’s required we’d all be dead.

China has it under control. They say! I didn’t believe it. China went to Italy locked-down and chuckled “Not even close Bub!” This video here shows why. A complex of 100,000 people(?) and zero people anywhere.  Before you go in, temp check and disinfectant (I mean your hands, the handlebars of your bike, the ground that you walked on!!). Each citizen issued many pairs of gloves, Purell, a knife, a lighter (to burn the virus off your elevator buttons!! EACH elevator sprayed top to bottom with disinfectant 4X a day !)..If you can’t find your food staples in the massive vending wall in the lobby then order in. 

Your package NEVER gets in the building! It stays outside, you cut it open with your knife …wearing your gloves. The box and gloves go to trash! I could go on. It’s mind blowing. If not this one, then next pandemic… China will be the last country standing.   https://bit.ly/ChinaLockdown

Here’s a Full 2 hr Video from Emmy award winning producer of Dr. Phil (Caution: Viewer subjected to excessive Ranting and far too much trumpiness. Nevertheless, some  excellent informational sources. ) bit.ly/COVIDtheWholeEnchilada

And if after all this you want extra protection (because flu can be deadly) and it’s always a good idea to boost your immune system: https://bit.ly/MercQuercetinVitDetc

Canadian Solution:

Good luck Dr. Michel Chrétien!


If you want to see the future 4 days

ahead of the C enter for Disease Control

here is temperature mapping. Very accurate.​


So have fun at ​home here are a few songs…



Be well in 2020


Live Planet Research