The Unindicted Co-Conspirators


Making sense of it March 31, 2020 (Updated Aug 19/2020)

Again, advertent or inadvertent.                                              Strategy or simple greed & ignorance?

Important to find out … but for now it’s beside the point.

Every Politician in 2020 in a Liberal democracy is under siege. This is the Ideal Vehicle to get the governance back, re-election. Works perfectly well for autocrats as well (see also Philippines and U.S.).

Imperial College of London strongly influenced US and UK decision-making

Either they’re leading their nation OR saving the day.                    It’s a no-lose situation – Promote Maximum Pandemic.

Every Virologist & Scientist’s budget is under siege. Money goes to housing, social services, education – anything before research. Hence the ‘computer model’ emphasizing the worst case scenario.

Either they’re warning their nation OR saving the day. It’s a no-lose situation – Promote Maximum Pandemic.

Every Hospital’s budget is under siege. (see above – PMP)

Every Media, of every stripe, is experiencing a bonanza of coverage. They will keep their foot on the accelerator.

Either they’re warning their nation OR saving the day!

It’s a no-lose situation – Promote Maximum Pandemic.

PHARMA – the biggest beneficiary of all. A dream come true. Next comes a whole new world where people must SHOW they have been vaccinated just to circulate in their neighborhood or travel anywhere.

The COVID-19 is believed to originate it Bats.

The corona virus came from a bat. Was it by design or was it just accidental? Matters not.

The U.S spent 120 billion dollars on biowarfare since 2000 and likely far more before. All information in the public domain. It started with Ronald Reagan’s Administration.

 Cdn Flag less pixels Canadian Content or Conduit?

The U.S. shares ‘bio-weapons’ with Canada’s National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg (also a BS Level 4). 

Two Chinese research scientists and their team were marched out by the RCMP, ostensibly for “Administrative reasons”.  As Mike Meyers may say, ‘Shyeah, right’. [ 2 yrs earlies Ebola and Hantavirus where taken from Winnipeg to Wuhan]

Did they take a corona virus with them? Don’t know for sure.  Don’t really care.

The COVID-19 virus starts in a bat, as we know. Bats have hundreds of strains of viruses in them and we have no idea how many are deadly or how many make it to humans (advertently or inadvertently).

German pulmonologist Dr. Wolfgang Wodard says COVID-19 has been here and is perhaps 10-14% of all viruses going back years.  We just never had the precise test for it.

As mentioned, the The Wuhan Institute of Virology with
China’s first (BSL–4) laboratory is 15 minutes awa
y from the Wuhan Seafood Market (where all agree it started).

Courtesy Daily Mail, UK

True enough. But here’s the thing – Chinese researchers have gone to prison for selling research animals (’cause they make no money really).

Again, simple greed and ignorance.
The greed part is that. The ignorance part is they maybe just have wandered out of the lab without proper oversight or precautions.                                                                                                   Any indication of that?
As close as you can get and it comes
directly from a Wuhan Lab researcher. I was searching PubMed for any Wuhan Lab work
to learn what they were researching. Never finished
because this paper stopped me dead in my tracks –

By a Wuhan researcher published on September 11, 2019.
“Current status and future challenges of high-level
biosafety laboratories in China”

One can assume this researcher was simply trying to get resources to increase Security. One can assume he may go missing.

OK. The real questions: How bad is it? Why is it different? How long will it last? Do the antimalarials work? Why are young people impacted?

It’s bad because it kills people, mostly old people. (Hey, wait a minute, ‘I resemble that remark!)

Again, half this group has 3 or 4 other illnesses. They aren’t “underlying” illnesses. Those who died may have tested positive for COVID-19 but their cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc killed them.

46% of deaths had co-morbidity.

46% of deaths had co-morbidity.

It’s called lying with statistics. (advertently or inadvertently).

Critical UpdateEuromomo data caught up. It records RAW data i.e. how many people died of all causes. Epidemiologits will tell you this is how you know who’s telling the truth. 

UK euromomo

Each country has different methods to categorize ’cause of death’. In a global pandemic it all goes into One Pot – COVID-19. Real numbers are filtered/categorized by political objectives. Even in healthcare settings. So about face – in Spain, UK, Belgium and a few countries the Increased deaths up to 40% higher in week going back 5 years.

Spain euromomo

The way to cut through data manipulation is to look at the raw data. How many people actually died and are now dying from all causes in Italy, Germany, Spain, France and Europe?

The World Health Organization said 650,000 died of the flu worldwide in 201-2018. So 2020 is as bad as a very bad flu season.

No, you see the WHO and CDC have a long and illustrious history of LYING about flu deaths. You know those computer models and algorithms that have been getting us in trouble? They were set on full B.S. mode ‘for the greater good‘. Pushing people to get the Flu Shot, what the harm in that? Lots but we’ll get t that later. That’s why ‘the experts” are in such a pickle.  

Why does it look so much worse? We are looking at it under a microscope, with a virologist’s computer model focused on ‘Worst Case’ amplified by all the global players.

It seems to hit people in a shorter period. German video of empty hospitals. + Etc.

Why is it different?

It’s hitting younger, healthy people too.

Courtesy The Religious Studies Project (this is what ‘young people’ look like)

Unindicted Co-Conspirators

1) The Flu Shot

2) Electromagnetic fields (EMF)

I remember the Health Minister in the UK saying – besides underlying medical conditions that having a Flu Shot was a risk factor.

Hmm, I though that’s weird. Not the fact of it.. but the fact they’d state it clearly.  And the UK through the media lenses has looked a bit silly or back on their heels in their COVID-19 response. 

Neil Ferguson, Imperial College London

However, the report that changed strategy for the UK and the U.S. came from Dr. Neil Ferguson’s team at the Imperial College in London. The computer model – based on past information – predicted up to 500,000 deaths in UK.

On March 26th Ferguson said – “UK deaths from the disease are now unlikely to exceed 20,000 and could be much lower”. [UK’s worst season approx. 28,000 dead]

Epidemics are also better seen in a rear view mirror. And all pandemic virologists have been waiting for ‘the Big One’ so their top computer simulations adopted the close-up hospital chaos.

Back to the Flu Vaccine as Risk Factor. The U.S. Armed Services research is agnostic. They looked at the Healthiest segment of the population and found they were 36% MORE likely to get a corona virus if they’d had the flu shot. (This was a Quadrivalent -4 virus – flu shot)

Examining non-influenza viruses specifically, the odds of both coronavirus and human metapneumovirus in vaccinated individuals were significantly higher when compared to unvaccinated individuals (OR = 1.36 and 1.51, respectively)

One study in children found a relative risk 440% increase in “noninfluenza respiratory viruses”.Coincidentally, this is what COVID-19 is.

The Quadrivalent flu shot with 4 strains of flu causes a ‘cytokine storm’ suppressing the immune system

Another mechanism is described as “viral interference”. 

Can someone PLEASE provide a translation of this?

The point being BOTH of these mechanisms are at work. They open the door for COVID-19. Having the Flu Shot increases your risk of getting COVID-19 and H1N1 too.

Young People and People living in higher density multiple unit retirement homes and/or those in hospital are subject to this Hidden Stressor of EMF.

Electromagnetic fields – EMF. Young people are exposed to EMF by being constantly connected by phone, Wi-Fi and gaming way more than average.

Wuhan has 10,000 5G antennas more than the entire United States. They quickly put them up on hospitals to.. ya know, help! (hospitals have notoriously high EMF).

 Huawei will ship a total of 600,000 base stations in China this year,

The mechanism of action for Viruses is Calcium

The mechanism of action for EMF is Calcium

Oh yeah, and EMF causes Cytokines as well.

For interest sake, no country will come close to China in a lockdown. If this is what’s required we’d all be dead.

China has it under control. They say! I didn’t believe it. China went to Italy locked-down and chuckled “Not even close Bub!” This video here shows why. A complex of 100,000 people(?) and zero people anywhere.  Before you go in, temp check and disinfectant (I mean your hands, the handlebars of your bike, the ground that you walked on!!). Each citizen issued many pairs of gloves, Purell, a knife, a lighter (to burn the virus off your elevator buttons!! EACH elevator sprayed top to bottom with disinfectant 4X a day !)..If you can’t find your food staples in the massive vending wall in the lobby then order in. 

Your package NEVER gets in the building! It stays outside, you cut it open with your knife …wearing your gloves. The box and gloves go to trash! I could go on. It’s mind blowing. If not this one, then next pandemic… China will be the last country standing.

Here’s a Full 2 hr Video from Emmy award winning producer of Dr. Phil (Caution: Viewer subjected to excessive Ranting and far too much trumpiness. Nevertheless, some  excellent informational sources. )

And if after all this you want extra protection (because flu can be deadly) and it’s always a good idea to boost your immune system:

Canadian Solution:

Good luck Dr. Michel Chrétien!

If you want to see the future 4 days

ahead of the C enter for Disease Control

here is temperature mapping. Very accurate.​

So have fun at ​home here are a few songs…

Be well in 2020


Live Planet Research

Your Smartphone Brings You… Super(bug) Gonorrhea

“I have long believed that electromagnetic field exposure has been responsible for the rise of superbugs. Is this a reasonable theory?”  I wrote to Dr. Louis A. Norton, in August 2006.                                                                                                                                                                No reply. Such is the life of the ranty outlier.                                                                             But guess what? New research has emerged.

First though, Today we have Super Gonorrhea download (1)                  ‘Untreatable Gonorrhoea ‘Superbug’ Spreading Around World, WHO Warns’

Earlier this year, research emerged on Mobile Phones Creating Drug Resistant Organism

“Evaluation of the Effect of Radio frequency Radiation Emitted From Wi-Fi Router and Mobile Phone Simulator on the Antibacterial Susceptibility of Pathogenic
Bacteria Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli”

Couple this with research from years ago..                                                                                         ‘Mobile phone risk to fertility of men who keep devices in their trouser pocket: Radiation can affect quality of sperm’



Follow the Bouncing Ball(s)…
(Young men zapping Mr. Woody)


Screenshot - 7_7_2017 , 11_12_46 PM

ipso facto

Your Smartphone Brings You Super(bug) Gonorrhea

No App Required.

Death by Disney (saved by the Donald)

Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

Donald Trump notwithstanding (and without comment as to whether the world will withstand Trump) – corporations and health agencies the world over have indeed been fooling           ‘..all of the people, all of the time’ when it comes to the hazard of electromagnetic fields (EMF).

EMF litigation is bigger than China’s cash reserves, more voluminous even than the current U.S. president’s pile of horseshit. But I digress. My point is, EMF is ‘too big to fail’ i.e. solve, unravel, uncover or otherwise correct. It’s easier to have people die from this ubiquitous man-made radiation than to redesign our technology. EMF is a design problem.

Betcha didn’t know there’s a branch of The Walt Disney Company called Disney Research with real pretend researchers? They’ve been up to some big environmental RE-designing.

These Disney enginerds, perhaps in an effort to channel the great Nicola Tesla designed a room that you power up in... literally. Or  maybe it was Power Rangers envy not being involved in the 2017 movie reboot? Either way, the result is a nightmare.


One could argue they’ve improved on the electric chair or perhaps torture (certainly of the ‘electrosensitive’).. Or they solved population growth. Maybe it’ll be said they came up with a solution for overcrowded hospitals and long term care facilities!

It’s a whole room filled with toxic electromagnetic fields.

And here is their research paper. It must be safe because in true trumpian fashion, they have said “safe” 31 times.

De Niro Punked Out, HotDocs + Vaxxed

Canada is not America:
the politics of vaccines
Dear HotDocs,
hotdocs logo
Canada is not America.
As if we need Donald J. Trump as President to make that crystal clear.
In America, liberty, the right to choose, the ability to control (or even know)
what goes in your body and what goes in your child’s body is disappearing.
Where is the political left? Where is the political right? Where is the truth?
As America goes, so goes Canada … usually, and only to some degree.
Tribeca ATT
The Tribeca Film Festival was to feature a documentary,
Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe.
Robert De Niro jumped in …then Punked-Out.
A 100% reversal in a matter of hours, folded like a cheap suit.
The thing is – we forget – he’s just an actor. He reads stuff.
But in reading these words De Niro  was handed,
For-Profit TRIBECA displays the limits of their truth-telling.
Tribeca Film Festival is owned Apax Partners Funds  who have investments
in a dozen Pharma ventures, i.e. makers and marketers of vaccines.
Robert Kennedy Jr. makes a brilliant political distinction in “the Narrow Path” between Communism where America is run  exclusively by Big Government and whereby Fascism
is a small government elite as an extension of Big Corporations. “Mussolini thought
Fascism should be called Corporatism”, as RFK Jr. relates here.
Fascism and Donald Trump is an increasing popular pairing in political
commentary this election cycle in America with Mr. Trump’s tweet, retweets
and mistreats of protocol and decorum of the presidential primaries.
Robert Kennedy Jr. is relevant because he’s all about saving the planet,
River Keepers etc., 35 years fighting Corporate America poisoning people.
In 30 years he’s read a lot of science, a lot of junk science, ‘tobacco science’ (as it’s called) Mouse Smoking Robert Kennedy may the world’s expert at separating the wheat
from the chaff. His book, “Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak…” is about Mercury in Vaccines.  And yes, AUTISM.
Back to Tribeca… and their sponsors.
Oh sure, you can connect all the sponsors, on all the Boards and they
are all buddies and all want not to rock the Pharma boat. But it’s
WAY more direct here at the Tribeca Pharma Festival.
So the SOLUTION seems simple enough for HotDocs.
I mean, sez right here, “Outspoken. Outstanding” – that’s
HotDocs yes? Your mission, your motto, your raison d’être!
Certainly HotDocs couldn’t be afraid of a little truth?
(Or in this case a whole lot of truth to rocket HotDocs into a new
global stratosphere of filmmaking and relevant influence)
I understand Robert De Niro bows Alan Patricof  (owner of Tribeca)
who has billions of Pharma revenues at stake. Vaccines (as causing Autism, ADHD, Diabetes, Immune System Disorders, Asthma and the rest) are a Major Lynchpin.
You can’t pull that rug out because a trillion dollar industry suffers.
And should Hillary Clinton become president, her Pharma Pal Patricof will be
well rewarded for his fundraising loyalty. One of many fundraisers for Clinton
at $ 32,400 a head (the legal maximum) and they had the decency to limit
attendance to a mere 26 ‘heads’ .
 Patricof Clinton
Hillary Clinton’s script courtesy of Patricof (doubtless) was rather unequivocal on Twitter –
The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork.
Let’s protect all our kids. #GrandmothersKnowBest
So of the 271 vaccines in the pipeline, if she gets the top job these vaccines will move
like shit through a goose. And it doesn’t matter if they work, it doesn’t matter
if they kill people because PHARMA has no legal responsibility.
And lawyer Hillary, of all people, apparently doesn’t know that.
– DOCs can talk about anything…except Vaccines
– DOCs defend your right to choose. No choice with Vaccines.
– You can sue anyone in America if their product kills your child..
  but not if it was a Vaccine. So you Sure can’t talk about that.
So then, my thin-edge-of-the-wedge questions.
If you want to know, the answer is very clear…
(well, after you get through the iceberg of obfuscation the
 cowardly bureaucrats & profiteers have built with outright lies 
 and a rabidly enthusiastic media defending their last advertisers 
 WHILE “Saving the Kids!” at the same time… the “why” stands out)
1) A top researcher at the CDC is a Whistleblower.
In summer of 2014 he said they buried data, changed protocols
committed fraud. The MMR Vaccine DID In Fact
increase Autism in black boys by almost 4x.
2) TWO Merck Researchers Suing their employer Merk who forced them to CHANGE data. The MMR vaccine doesn’t even work*.    (* it Works, but most malavently)
Poul Thorson Fugitive
3) Dr. Poul Thorsen from Denmark author on THE STUDY
  which the CDC, the Media, PHARMA… all point to in
  order to Prove Vaccines are Safe is a thief. He stole
  over 1.25 million and is “wanted” by the FBI but
  strangely no one is extraditing him.
4) Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s co-accused, Prof. John Walker-Smith,
    had the same huge laundry list of BS charged against them. Prof.
    Walker-Smith could afford the Appeal to the UK Supreme Court.
    JOhn Walker Smith
    The judge ripped the GMC (which is a medical body focused
    wholly on covering one part of their anatomy).. I mean, crushed
    and mocked their decision. No indepth article was written* so
    a link to a book for decent explanations
   (* See also, gutless media covering only their financial interest)
    And yes, by inference, it totally exonerates Wakefield.. if he can
    just get into court. Funds from the Doc Vaxxed would do that.
     HotDocs can gain massive global publicity.
     It can do that by going against the Major Media worldwide who’s
     financial interests are inextricably linked to the of BIG PHARMA.

 “..Truth to Power” is the essence of a documentary.    Speaking that is, and the freedom to speak.

    On health issues, there’s one Canadian analogy of sorts.
   Canadian researchers said Mammograms were NOT good
    in the way they were being done and led to worse outcomes.
The researchers were pilloried for years, until a large American study agreed.
The GREED of GE, Siemens (and Machine Peddlers) was rolled back on
their tragic OVER-radiating of women.
On VACCINES, Canadian researchers found people who got the Flu Shot were TWICE as likely to contract H1N1 (swine flu, you recall that scary pandemic? Not)  A “paradox”
CBC called it.  Paradox my ass. 
And here’s the thing, the flu shot doesn’t work. Don’t ask the 53% of healthcare workers who work the front lines and refuse the flu shot. Ask the Cochrane Collaboration, the ONE unbiased research group that every year researches the efficacy of the flu vaccine.
Just like every year they look at dozens of new studies.. “Nope.”
And here’s the other thing. No, not that Pregnant Women, Children & Old People are the primary TARGET for the annual flu vaccine. Not that thing – though, there is That!
How toxic is mercury? Go look it up.
And as you stickhandle past the baloney, consider one Dr. Maurice Hilleman.
Hilleman is like the Babe Ruth of vaccines having developed over 40 vaccines.
He lamented to his boss at Merck how the mercury in their vaccines were up 77x
the level determined to be safe for adults by the FDA.
I’m repeating myself. My point – and I do have one – is that this is Truth.                             And HotDocs is supposed to be in the Truth Telling Business, yes?
Here is Del Bigtree, the produced of Vaxxed,
this is what truth sounds like.
If you have the courage to do this
      it’s good for HotDocs, good for Canada
      good for America and the Entire World. 
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler
Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism (Skyhorse)

People don’t fail. People fail to persist.

The Decisive Human Experiment for EMF: The iNterNet of Things

Finally!                                                                                  The Decisive Human Experiment                                 with Electromagnetic Field Radiation!

This is Great! Tens of millions of humans in a study testing their exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF).                                                                                                                                                     People will be literally dropping like flies.   


Here’s the thing on this iNterNet of Things (aka Internet of Everything);             as of 2015, we’re already exposed to a Quintillion times more radiation (man-made, non-ionizing radiation i.e. cellphone, towers, wi-fi, smart meters etc.) than our grandparents and their parents.

To paraphrase an old TV ad, Madge, “You’re Swimmin’ in it!” Your Soaking In It

Now along comes the iNterNet of Things

Cisco says this market will become a $ 19 Trillion Industry in the next decade.

This iNterNet of Things is your fridge ‘talking’ to your iron and washing machine and them chuckling about your time spent with the toilet seat who is then sharing your poop data with your Smart Meter who is talking to 200 other Smart Meters up to 18,000 times a day and up to a 30 mile radius.

And you DID hear about SPY TV?   This is Samsung’s new TV which listens and records and shares when the microphone is on?Spy tv





Then Hello Barbie… that rat spy will ensure you (& your kids) have no secrets!

Hello Barbie


All Things Connected All the Time.                                                     This is MASSIVE amount of New Radiation in Your Home.

Shout out to any physicist, anywhere who may be capable of calculating the increase in EMF radiation associated with this staggering new ocean of electronic smog.cropped-cell-towerpicpreentionmagazine.jpg

Fortunately or unfortunately – those scoffing at the hazard of electromagnetic fields will be first in line. The “electrosensitive” will continue to seek out sanctuary in remaining low-EMF enclaves while all the “early adopters” can’t wait for this trans-formative new technology.

They get to be the high-tech canaries in the coal mines. Except, instead of ONE canary going down the mine to prove air quality – there will tens of millions at once. I predict here the health results will be unprecedented.Canary

To me, this is The Decisive Human Experiment for EMF

All the world’s largest corporations – who’ve been dodging EMF lawsuits for 20 years – will then be dragged into court. The cellphone-brain tumor lawsuits have been bungled or otherwise dragging since 1993. Recently, 29 lawsuits were approved to proceed in Superior Court in Washington, D.C., but they have been masters of obstruction and obfuscation since day one.

iNterNet of Things as health catalyst will move rapidly, driven by the public as they overwhelm the politicians, government agencies, hospitals as well as courts. Lloy’ds of London, Swiss RE (insurer’s of the insurers)  long ago inserted the     ‘No EMF’ coverage clause and recently phone company’s insurers started too.

I’ve often said, ‘We will have a safe level of EMF about when we can take a shuttlebus to Mars’. This radically advances that schedule. Regrettably not for the shuttlebus to Mars but rather the legislation for safe EMF levels resulting from widespread health havoc delivered by iNterNet of Things.

Shuttlebus to Mars

I propose the iNterNet of Things will indeed INTERN us all                                           in a NET  of Toxic EMF Radiation.

Intern: Confine (someone) as a prisoner,                                                     especially for political or military reasons.
synonyms: confine, detain, hold (captive), lock up, imprison, incarcerate,impound, jail;

informalput away
“the refugees were interned in camps”

This iNterNet of Things will save countless millions of lives – inadvertently and ironically – after it takes out a few million.

But hey, ya wanna great omelette … ya gotta break a few eggs!

iNterNet of Things    a balance of good and bad.

Electropolis; the Transformer Killed Steve Jobs

‘Technology Killed Steve Jobs’ was a post to lay bare the obvious to those oblivious. To wit, no one, anywhere had more electromagnetic field radiation exposure every day than Steve Jobs. To even the ‘oblivious’ or uninitiated…  It’s a given.

After watching 60 Minutes interview with Steve Jobs biographer Walter Isaacson, we can now narrow down the toxic energetic culprit.

Steve Jobs – “There are downsides to everything; there are unintended consequences to everything. The most corrosive piece of technology that I’ve ever seen is called television – but then, again, television, at its best, is magnificent”.
(Close, very close … but no cigar at the Electropolis carnival)

Aside from the steady stream of products which would have necessitated multiple radiating devices on-self for almost 24-7 was this huge and nasty transformer.

Not this one, no.

This is a harmless toy used for the express purpose of entertaining children (and adults) spurring their interest in science fiction and the future. This other one is a remnant of the past, a reminder that as we rush headlong into the future without a thought for the by-products of our techno-lust we have yet to fully account for the health impacts of the Electropolis

This Transformer (below) Killed Steve Jobs!

Steve Jobs spent the last twenty years of his life in a simple country house at the corner of Santa Rita and Waverly St. in Palo Alto.

The thing is though, the lot was rather modest in size and his bedroom was <50 feet from the street and an electrical transformer                 i.e. Way Too Close.


Go to Google Maps, put in “Santa Rita and Waverly St., Palo Alto, CA”

 Even people living in a cave have heard of the debate about cellphones and brain tumors, specifically with prolonged use.

The same metaphorical cave-dwellers (when it comes to health) have also seen studies/stories the last 20 years on power lines and cancer.

Steve Jobs exposure to electromagnetic fields from products in the day put him in the top one tenth of one percent of people most exposed to this microwave radiation.

Entirely separately – his being exposed at night, in his bedroom to the emissions from an electrical transformer are also highly unusual putting him AGAIN in the top one tenth of one percent of people most exposed to this 60Hz radiation.

Sleep, as the Japanese know, is critical for health.                                                       When we sleep our metabolism drops to 40% capacity – worst case scenario for an immune system assault.  Instead, all energy goes to “cleaning-up” the mental filing system and scavenging the body’s free radicals, principally by means of increased melatonin.

EMF-exposed people at night have disrupted REM sleep and EMR Reduces Melatonin in Animals and People

Steve Jobs may ALSO have had a few things on his night table.

                                                                                                                                                     Ass-backwards Epidemiology.

Here’s an idea.                                              Go down your street – the side with the distribution lines.

Find the houses where the bedroom window is within 75 feet of these lines. Find people who have lived there 15 years. Make a separate category that includes the above BUT who also have a nasty Transformer on the pole. 

If the people are not dead or in the hospital, ask them, ‘How are ya feelin’ today? 

It’s ass-backward epidemiology to be sure but you know what? It’d give you the full and accurate laundry list of cancers, mental and neurological disorders caused by electromagnetic fields.

So if you have cancer – or are planning on getting cancer – be advised.

It doesn’t matter if you are worth $ 8 billion dollars and a meticulous vegan Buddhist. It doesn’t matter if you get the surgery and expertise of the best of Western medicine or scour the planet for solutions.

In the presence of this volume of Toxic Energy,                                you don’t stand a snowball’s change in hell.

Lung Cancer Answer……………………………….. Betcha didn’t even know there was any Question



Update: March 16, 2015

A prominent scientist who has said ‘EMF is No Hazard’ for many years just did an about face! Coincidentally, it was his OWN research that changed his mind. Mice & Lung Cancer.

 Mouse SmokingMouse Lung Cancer

The Bill of Goods

Rodney Dangerfield, George Burns & the WHO

“I don’t get no respect, no respect at all!”                                               might be the refrain of Lung Cancer – our most popular cancer to die of – and yet not to research.  (e.g. Breast cancer with fewer deaths get 20x the research $s)  When a big study emerges on lung cancer, it’s rare.  Governments for 40 years, chose to ‘blame-the-victim’ and pump money into finger-wagging advertising campaigns as their lame answer to lung cancer.

           The fact is, 75% of Smokers Don’t get Lung Cancer.                             Some smokers live to be 105. Why’s that? Nobody has cared much really. The enemy is clear: Smokers. 

The WHO                                                                  (i.e. Not Daltrey & Townshend & Co.)

has trumpeted new research with Diesel Fumes as the Big Killer, within the Big Killer. 

The Diesel Exhaust in Miners Study: A Nested Case–Control Study of Lung Cancer and Diesel Exhaust  as it’s called, means Diesel Fumes becomes the clear, new second horse in this lung cancer race (albeit, a slow research race it is ).

Whaddabout Radon? Yes,they adjusted for RADON!   Just a few years ago we all ran out and got Radon detectors because they said .. ‘Lung cancer is coming!’, whether you smoke or not,                      whether you like it or not.

This Research Obliterates the whole Radon deal.

This little spot here is dedicated to bringing you the Next Big Wave in Lung Cancer to tidily obliterate this Diesel Fumes proclamation.

(OK, maybe not obliterate it entirely and not right here and now because we need research dollars to nail it. (Start an ad agency you say? Hmmm)

In Science (in America), money is all.                        Like in advertising …                                                    Truth Doesn’t Matter.                                                     What Matters is What Sells.

And I have ‘a bill of goods’ here. It’s important to know when you are being sold a bill of goods. You judge if they’re any good.

Definition of BILL OF GOODS _________________________________                 1: a consignment of merchandise 2 : something intentionally misrepresented : something passed off in a deception or fraud —used in the phrase sell a bill of goods   _____________________________________________________

 I hereby consign this research to you. Can’t sell it. As an “independent health researcher” of 20+ years, I’ve had no funding to finish it nor had an ad agency to promote it. So it’ s up to you. Blog it, regurgitate it, take a piece & tear it apart or prove it wrong or otherwise advance the word. Thanks.

First off, ‘EXHIBIT A’ many (most?) people ALREADY disagree that Diesel Fumes are the Lung Cancer Answer. In environments other than mines the connection is not anywhere near as evident. And again – “Overall, despite an abundance of epidemiologic and experimental data [over 6000 published studies], there remain questions as to whether traditional diesel exhaust exposure causes increased lung cancers in humans”.    To wit, Minus MINERS Means Minimal Match.

N.B. Miners are Exposed to Massive Electromagnetic Fields.                                  In fact, they’re exposed to electrical conduits, communications, lighting and they may have the highest exposure of EMF in any profession. Studies on RADON and DIESEL FUMES linked to Lung Cancer Do Not Consider the Electromagnetic Radiation exposure of these workers.

Part 2: The Wrath of Technologyooh scary!

What has Technology got to do with    MINERS and Lung Cancer?  Well, everything, as it turns out.

The World Health Organization recently conceded cellphones are a “possible” carcinogen. (Today, the FCC is reviewing safety standards for the first time since 1996 and  The Government Office of Accountability has been looking into the adequacy of the limits for a year. Non-US countries are light years ahead). 

Whaddaya gonna do? Give up your smartphone? And your microwave, and Wi-Fi? What about Smart Meters, Wind Farms and Electric Cars for that matter? And all for what, a few little cancerous tumors? Man-up.

Michael’s wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, is one of the top cellphone peddlers in America.  You don’t see Gordon Gekko whining. Though he did have cancer consistent with that from cellphone exposure.

Dr. Robert Kane of Motorola died of a brain tumor. Understandably, he got a bit cranky and went on to write, “Cellular Telephone; Russian Roulette”. But what the hell does he know?  Just because he held the most patents at Motorola and practically invented the cellphone.

‘Don’t be evil’ Google bought Motorola’s cellphones.  (that’s a whole other rant for another day, to include Mr. Brin’s PD)

The guy you want to ask is the fella hired by the cellphone industry to “make it all go away”, Dr. George Carlos.  A reasonable man with $ 25 million to blow on EMF research. He wrote a book on the subject too, “Cell Phones – Invisible Hazards of the Wireless Age”. Says here it’s about the coming brain tumor epidemic. What?

So, the World Health Organization tip-toes in with a tepid statement, “possible carcinogen”. It reminds me of the old (Dr.) George Carlin routine, “The Surgeon General announced today that saliva causes cancer. However, only if taken in small amounts over a long period of time.” Let’s get to the punch line.

Again, the big RADON-Lung Cancer studies were done on MINERS.     It always seemed to me ‘a stretch’ that it then applied to every single person in the world. And that one study in 1964 established Radon’s scariness. (Subsequent proofs just jumped-in, lock-step to tread the same ground. Oh, ‘cept this fella who says residential radon REDUCES lung cancer  i.e. “Extrapolation of underground miners lung cancer risks to human risks at domestic and workplace levels may not be valid”. Then, he has his credible supporters HERE.)

Note:  they never measured EMF ... electromagnetic radiation !

Not a word about it.   Ditto this damning new study of Diesel Fumes & Lung Cancer.

MINERS are Massively Exposed to myriad EMF frequencies.   The lighting and the communications systems (phone lines, two-way radio, RFID, Video, Wi-Fi, Wi-Max, MagneLink) pumps, fans, portable lighting units, even helmets all are sources in a cave structure perfectly-designed to contain and amplify radiation (more so in a coal-containing mine).

The ironically named Leeky Feeder…  Designed to ‘leek RF’ and act as an extended antennae!  ( I’m running out of emphases here)

Is any group in the world more exposed to EMF than MINERS?

I don’t believe there is.  So if you want to answer the question – ‘Is EMF radiation killing us?’  You start with MINERS ( or the Amish, on the zero exposure side).  And is this the elusive LUNG CANCER ANSWER (which we haven’t been looking too hard for)? I believe it is.

If so, it Changes Everything.

Trouble with this ‘new truth’ (see ‘Dots’ below) is the Government, Industry and Media have never had a conflict-of-interest of such magnitude in history. When EMF research or outrageous politico-corporate behaviour breaks again and again and again – a Watergate-style investigation never ensues.

One Lung Cancer Story should have stayed on the front page of ever newspaper and been the lead story on the 6:00 TV news until it was solved. Gives you an idea how far back we are going!   In 1994, Hydro-Québec with Ontario Hydro and Électricité de France (EDF) conduced the largest occupational study on exposure to electromagnetic fields.  The study focused on leukemia and brain tumors. Utilities fund these as they’re so rare, easy to spin. They still found a 2-3X increase in leukemia and brain tumors.

Out of the Québec portion, came a  Lung Cancer finding.       Lung cancer is our ‘#1’ cancer to die of so any increase, let alone 2-3X … would be huge. Researchers didn’t find increased risk of 2 or 3X.          They found up to 9.87X the lung cancer. Almost 1,000 %.  

It was linked with the Microwave frequencies (aka Wi-Fi, cellphones, cordless, ‘Leeky Feeder’). What resulted? They cancelled the contract with McGill University, fired Dr. Gilles Thériault and legally barred him from sharing his data with the research community. What the hell?

If trueand with 47 confounders there is no reason to think it’s not ah, ‘suggestive’there is no more important health finding.

Other Lung Cancer – EMF Observations;                          

Brazil  2011. Adilza C. Dode of the Municipal Health Department, Belo Horizonte City, Minas Gerais State, Brazil found an increased cancer in proxity to cellphone towers.  Lung cancer, counted the largest number or deaths and we await a distinct break-out.  Overall, 6,432 people within 500 meters of a base station died of cancer whereas  292 deaths occurred between a 500-1,000 meter distance and only 147 deaths over 1,000 m. On the face of it, disturbing. Certainly suggestive?

1996, Dr. Dennis Henshaw of Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, UK predicted an increase in lung cancer.

His research shows increased radon daughter nuclei attracted by power frequency electromagnetic fields. May ALSO explain the rap on radon coupled with an closed “EMF cave” where the Miner observation was made.

Professor Johansson at the Department of Neuroscience at the
Karolinska Institute in Stockholm found a curious thing. In Sweden, lung cancer among elderly men increased markedly beginning after 1997. For men aged 80–84 years, the incidence increased from 160 to 230/100,000. For men aged 85+, the incidence increased from 95 to a high of 180/100,000 in 2005.

In 1991, the Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute was established with a $ 300 million settlement of a class action lawsuit against Tobacco.

Flight attendants have been instrumental in advancing second hand smoke issues, as they were subjected to it prior to 25 years ago when smoking was banned on flights. NON-smoking flight attendants got excess lung cancer. ( Note: Since non-smoking flights, lung cancer has dropped dramatically.  And whereas planes are a major source of EMF, the absence of cigarettes means no smoke synergy. Breast cancer, brain tumours, melanoma, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma are increased and all have been linked to EMF )

About the aforementioned Amish?

Some of them DO smoke, being ardent tobacco farmers.                                           And they DO get smoking-related cancers. 

They just get it at a rate of 37% of the non-Amish population.

The study said the data, “support reduction of cancer incidence by tobacco abstinence but cannot be explained solely on this basis”

Other factors? Perhaps because they have no electricity, or cellphones, Wi-fi, appliances, electronics… or technology-generating EMF radiation.


PART 3: Connect the dots

Exactly what do we have here ?

Two huge well-designed Lung Cancer studies,                                                      1)  Miners & Diesel Fumes and                                                                                              2) Powerline WorkersElectromagnetic Field Radiation

Coincidentally… Miners are massively exposed to EMF.                                          This massive EMF exposure was never measured.


Coincidentally AGAIN, a brand new study purports to have found the Key Mechanism of Action for Lung Cancer whereby reducing the protein Bax inhibitor 1 reduced  Calcium.                                                        (which causes a cascade of events)

Why is that coincidental? 

                                                                                                               CALCIUM is perhaps the main mechanism of action for EMF

The biological effects of EMF radiation is there in the scientific literature for any with a modicum of common sense and the persistence to pour through it.

I think these studies of Miners and Powerline Workers with the Calcium studies of mechanism provide a major research intersection. And Lung Cancer is a great intersection  because it has been left alone for so long yet contains the largest number of dead bodies. 

In Summary                                                                                                                     Miners +EMF + EMF + EMF + EMF + other stuff = Lung Cancer.

Today, reporters – some whose companies have lost EMF lawsuits – take (mis)direction from the Legal Department. Researchers, arguably, don’t want to bite the only hand left with cash in it, Industry. (Though, the vast preponderance of scientists have no training/understanding of EMF, far too many pretend they do.)

Esteemed investigative science writer, Paul Brodeur wrote The Zapping of America: Microwaves, Their Deadly Risk, and the Coverup 1977, Currents of Death – 1989 and The Great Power-Line Cover-Up: How the Utilities and Government Are Trying to Hide the Cancer Hazard Posed by Electromagnetic Fields1993. We can decipher this message. Many EMF Books followed, while others preceded his clarion calls.

Coupled with 100,000+ scientific papers on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields, that many media stories, the by-now hundreds of dedicated researchers and hundreds of thousands of EMF advocates, People can’t say “I didn’t know”. They CAN say, “I didn’t care”.

Until it hits home of course. This suggests… it already has.                                   We’ll save the full hazard scope and politics for other days                          but draw the one screamingly obvious analogy.

The Surgeon General¹s Report in January 1964 finally denounced the hazards of cigarette smoking.

The next August, Harvard’s     Dr. Clarence Cook Little (Scientific Director of the  Council for Tobacco Research) after evaluating 350 separate reports, declared there was “little to support” for the charge cigarette smoking causes lung cancer. The American Medical Association – representing the doctors of America – refused to join the fray had just received $ 10 million from the tobacco industry for research into the possible hazards of smoking. You’ve seen doctors of the day in ads virtually prescribing cigarettes for all manner of malady. No?

In 1945 the first studies linking smoking and lung cancer appeared – the increased risk was 2 X.  Today, we know smoking increases the risk of lung cancer by 10X up to 50 X based on the length of time smoked.

The TOBACCO industry is Big.                                                                        They had no problem delaying their comeuppance for 5o Years!          And they still remain ‘off the hook’ relatively speaking.

[ Disclosure: I have attempted to mitigate Tobacco’s legal exposure by offering to put this research initiative into action. No go. Their loss.]

The EMF “industry” is 1000x Tobacco in size. Yes, ADD up the Cellphone, Wireless, Utilities, Computer, Electronics industries but also EVERY industry in the World. Each one has a legal-financial exposure from EMF that exceeds their revenues.

We’re exposed to a quintillion X more man-made EMF radiation than we were just 50 years ago. That’s lots more.

What’s  the definition of Impossible?                                                                             A) Finding a NON-exposed EMF control group                                                                        B) Finding a Business with no EMF conflict-of-interest                                           C) Both (i.e. impossible to choose between A & B).    

 Government and Industry are  in sync on EMF.                                  We are all in the EMF business.                                                It’s funny.                                                                            Er, not funny at all really. It’s stupid.                                                        And I don’t mean in hip ‘sick’ sort of way but in the old, traditional sense where we are so stupid people die, in large numbers and unnecessarily.

I’m reaching you say?                                                                                                 Isn’t that what we are supposed to be doing? Besides, I’m only ‘reaching’ into the scientific literature.

If it was only Lung Cancer,                                                                                    it merits the urgent attention of research agencies the world over.      The list of maladies caused by this radiation is so long to even mention them would illicit guffaws (and to interrupt existing laughter may be dangerous to any readers already).

To do this right requires a lot of researchers and others and 1,000 pages if we limit our proof to Lung Cancer. I’m unqualified to deliver the necessary coup de grâce here. But I will build the vehicle.

One Other little Thing, the flip side

Interesting research here. Very Weak RF Signals Treat Inoperable Liver Cancer. So, RF (radio frequency EMF), non-ionizing is 10X more effective than the best standard practise when treating INOPERABLE liver cancer. That’s a Hmmm)

But it’s OK, this RF-EMF is ” 1,000x LOWER than that from a cellphone” say the researchers! Does that sound OK to you? Are you still awake? Anyone out there think that MINES – with their massive EMF – would make a great new venue for Health Tourism?

A biological effect is a biological effect.                                                          EMF is ALSO used to TREAT; Depression, Bipolar Schizophrenia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, Cancers and they are just getting started.  Cause & Cure?  Certainly proof of health effects!

We have dozens of examples of ionizing radiation – for good and bad. Ever had a CT Scan? It’s about 400x the radiation of a chest x-ray.   It’s a 5 minutes exposure. Good bet you’d be dead real quick if you spent the day in there! 

EMF is about frequencies – Cause & Cure.                                                 To leave these glaring questions unanswered is criminal. Many believe the answers are here and our governments and industry are keeping them off the table. Were they ON the table, it would impact the morbidity and mortality of many tens of millions of people.

In time, when this all comes down, your family will ask, “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I didn’t know” is not an answer. It’s also a lie. I could on. For the 3 or 4 of you who have actually made it this far, I Congratulate You.

Start here and now with Lung Cancer and EMF exposure.               It looks to be the world’s ‘lowest hanging fruit’ in terms of saving lives.     ( not to mention for that so-far elusive Nobel Prize)

The Answer to the Health Question …                                                                      whatever your health question?

It’s EMF.

To Bee Or Not To Bee … wired with cellphones

(originally published April 2007)

That’s the question causing a buzz around kitchen tables and at coffee shops these days.  Just when global warming gets traction we’re stung with a precipitous decline of bee populations.

No bees means no pollination, which means no fruits and vegetables. These are important food items for those of you who have been otherwise technologically engaged.

Mind you, it’s not the catastrophic impact on our food supply that gets people’s attention as much as the possible culprit; their cellphone.

People don’t really don’t make the cellphone connection, so jokes fly.

And unfortunately, if people were asked which to give up – their cellphone or the bees – the bees would go the way of the dodo.

If you haven’t heard, bee colonies are collapsing. Normally, a 20% loss may be expected year-over-year but this year’s declines are 40, 50 and even as high as 80% in theEastern United States. Many suspects are on the table, herbicides, pesticides, parasites as well as genetically modified high-fructose feed and organisms.

But cellphones?! Cellphone radiation affects the bees navigation system which is based on magnetite ( like magnets ), so far found in pigeons and bats and salmon and dolphins and ants and bacteria and you and me. Though who needs navigation anyway with our new wireless global positioning systems?

In addition to magnetite, bees do something called a “waggle dance*”. Hey, ask the apiarists ( beekeepers ) in your neighbourhood. The thing is, they dance in a figure 8 to communicate information about the direction and distance to patches of flowers yielding nectar or pollen, or both, and to water sources “. [ * Google & Wikipedia ]

Dancing bees have a frequency of 200 – 300 Hz.

Pulsed cellular frequencies are 217 Hz. Do ya think?

A German study showed electromagnetic radiation causes bees to avoid hives. Bees avoiding hives? That can’t be good for pollination, making honey or anything really.

Our communication system messes with the bee’s communication system.

The study is entitled How Electromagnetic Exposure Can Influence Learning Processes and can be found at

And it’s funny because Dr. Henry Lai at Universityof Washingtonlooked at cell phone exposure and learning in rats showing it affected “short term memory”, “long term memory” and “ability to learn”. It’s entitled “Acute Exposure to pulsed 2450-MHz microwaves affects water maze performance in rats” and the abstract can be found at

I had a study around here somewhere on cognition, recall and electromagnetic field exposure but where did I put it? Did you ever wonder whether your failing memory was not your failing memory but instead related to increasing “electrosmog” ? No?

Now’s your chance.

It’s a good thing we don’t allow our kids to use these cellphones. And fortunately,

we aren’t locating cell phone towers on school, library or church roofs just because they desperately need money. You know, otherwise, we might be inundated with all manner of learning disorders, ADHD or  – God forbid – violence in our schools.

You may be thinking all that research is for the birds (and the bees)… not us.

So to determined skeptics who say ‘mind your own beeswax’, a belated Happy Earth Day, this may be Mother Nature with your wake up call.

All we are saying is Give Bees a Chance.

Epilepsy: Cause & Cure

My roommate had epilepsy.
His seizures jumped up when we moved in,

not 150 ‘ from power lines.

It got me thinking… I had seizures when I was a kid.
I went to my childhood home and measured the electromagnetic fields.
Big time. My seizures disappeared when I moved downstairs.
No EMF radiation downstairs.

We had an epileptic dog growing up.
He always laid down behind my father’s chair.
It happened to be a Laz-y-Boy recliner so was
always plugged in and giving off an electric field.

The chair was (unfortunately) positioned directly
above the furnace. The alternator on the furnace gave
off a huge surge of EMF pulse whenever it came on.

Hardly scientific certainty but everything starts with observation.
Besides,  for a great many other reasons – I was certain by then.

So I attended the Stanford Epilepsy Conference
put on by Stanford University. All the Big Brains were gathered.
They are self-proclaimed ‘best in the world’. You may even know them
if you follow the epilepsy literature.

I was the only lay person amongst the researchers.
The top guy gets up and he points to this big pie chart,
” Epilepsy is an electrical storm in the brain…” . He points to
a big grey area and he says, ” 75% of all epileptic seizures
are caused by some unknown environmental factor”.




I put up my hand, “It’s electromagnetic fields”.

He quickly, rudely and roundly chastised me for my ignorance
and pressed on with his presentation.

Next presenter was a woman, the organizer –
and by reputation – the world’s second biggest brain
on the subject of epilepsy.

Same, only different. When she got to the ‘big mystery’
part of her show I put up my hand, “It’s electromagnetic fields”.
With a tad more decorum she sympathized with my stupidity.

Third guy, a young guy hot off the ‘academic’ presses in Europe
(Italy to be exact). He represented the future of epilepsy research…
and the two Big Brains couldn’t praise him enough.

Well, twice burned…
I waited and button-holed him outside in the quadrangle.
I walked straight up to him and again said, “It’s electromagnetic fields!”
He leaned forward eyes alight and replied “That’s brilliant! You know they are using EMF to TREAT epilepsy in Spain”. “Yes I do”, I replied.

That was in 1996.
You can see how far we have come.

It’s 2011, Western medicine is using EMF to treat the things it causes –
epilepsy, depression, MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, addiction
and now, very soon… autism.


Funnier still, we shouldn’t need to crack open your skull and charge $50 – 120,000 for the privilege.

These are electromagetic fields, they go through the skull with ease.  If we had researchers and resources we’d develop a $500 hand-held consumer device that sits in your medicine cabinet. Pick your frequency… Dial-a-Disease.

In alternative medicine they’re treating cancer with pulsed electromagnetic fields and a certain Nobel Prize winner is securing a patent on EMF to treat HIV-AIDS. (not any Nobel winner but Luc Montagnier, discoverer of the HI virus)